How can I use this to create value for my organization? where so I start and perhaps more importantly how can I do this to achieve a strong result? "
____ The Challenge
“Ok, I now have clarity on the direction in which we need to head. Now that I have the blueprint, I can see the vision of how we will support and enable our business to meet its strategic objectives. I need to understand more of the key elements that help us achieve this. I’ve still got loads of legacy systems and data that I need to make sense of. Also, I don’t and can’t trust my data, and I don’t have confidence in it because we’re constantly using workarounds to meet our processes.
It’s a bit overwhelming now with the amount of data that exists. How can I use this to create value for my organization? Where do I start and perhaps more importantly, how can I do this to achieve a strong result?”
____ Flexible Data Management Framework
We know this is also a key challenge for many organisations. With the exponential growth of data and its disparate sources (cite a statistic) businesses need a flexible enterprise data management framework to deliver what it requires.
Given the fundamental challenges experienced in identifying and achieving best practice, IMS were pivotal in the establishment of a standardized Data Governance Framework and associated Enterprise Information Architecture. This framework, developed in conjunction with DAMA (link to DAMA – pop up?) provides comprehensive coverage of all aspects of enterprise information management including:
The most pressing problem we’re typically asked to solve is how to achieve a single, trustable version of the truth and that the level of data quality matches the intended use of the data and ultimately supports and enables the execution of your business strategy. Given this underpins the achievement of any strategy, the IMS Data Governance framework is a vital model in achieving this.
Leveraging this model enables IT and the business to work together rather than being at constant loggerheads over who’s responsible for data quality and why it takes so long to integrate systems or develop new reports.