Advice to Humans or Automate Decisions
The IMS consulting team includes numerous Data Scientists, who are able to develop predictive and prescriptive models
that provide advice to humans, or automate decision-making. IMS’s Data science capabilities bring together multiple data
science modalities and approaches to provide predictive insights that can be used to improve decision-making.
This includes:
Development of bespoke data models to integrate disparate data from multiple data sources into single view / source of truth
Implementation of classification algorithms (including Decision Tree, Random Forest, Naiive Bayes etc.) to enable categorisation and segmentation of groups of customers / assets / products etc.
Implementation of recommendation engines (including collaborative and content based methods) to assist with operational processes.
Asset management reliability-centered maintenance models that determine whether to replace or maintain network assets such as pipes, roads or powerlines.
The use of recommendation engines to determine the next best action or conversation with a customer or citizen e.g. offering them a renovation loan because they’ve just had a child; advising insurance customers to move their vehicles to avoid a potential hail storm
The use of decision trees to determine whether to pay an invoice based on contractual terms.