Data Quality Framework

Our data quality is really poor. Despite our best efforts, cleansing our masses of data, we just can’t seem to improve the quality and output of it. We know we have many disparate data sources, but we’re unsure of how to establish a solution that provides quality data.

____ How clean is your data?

Managing and improving data quality requires uplift of numerous data management capabilities. Reviewing the strategic benefits of establishing a Data Management Framework is often the starting point for any initiative. As these data management projects are typically unpopular, establishing a business case is often a challenge. That said, we’re experts at establishing the derived value that can be delivered through such an initiative.

Why Create a Data Quality Framework?

There are significant business benefits that can be realised through the 
implementation of a Data Quality Framework: 

    Increase Revenue – having higher quality data enables:

  • Greater cross-sell opportunities through a more complete view of the customer
  • Higher qualified information at customer touch points – better customer experience
  • Identification of new business opportunities

    Reduce Costs – meeting the “mantra” of doing more with less

  • Address work-force efficiencies by reducing the levels of re-work, and having to go back to review / collect / correct data.
  • Remove non-value adding business processes by ensuring trusted information.
  • Reduced level of incidents across business processes and systems.

Reduce Risk - with the increasing levels of regulation and expectations placed on
organisations, individuals are being exposed to higher levels of scrutiny, risk of
 financial penalties and reputational damage.

The IMS Data Quality Framework


We’ve had much experience in developing Data Quality Frameworks. As a result, we’ve built a framework that
 covers core data management capabilities required to present fit for purpose data.   These core capability
 areas, combined with sophisticated taxonomies for classifying stakeholders, systems and data sources provide the basis of the IMS Data Quality framework.

____ IMS is able to 
   assist organisations to
   realise these benefits. 

  • Increase confidence that the reporting to regulatory authorities is founded on numbers that give a true representation of your organisation – regardless of which system / which part of the business the source data comes from.
  • Reduce the lead-times in bringing the information to where it is needed, thereby avoiding financial penalties that come about through late provisioning.
  • Reduce the risk of customer facing system outages – thereby avoiding the reputational damages that ensues, and the diversion of often-significant levels of resourcing needed to address the situation.
Get in Touch Now

Our consultants have worked with a broad range of organisations, at varying levels of information maturity, to enable them
 to realise tangible business benefits. Depending upon your organisations current priorities, and the state of your business
 processes and systems, one or more of the following services that we offer may be of relevance:

Data Quality Strategy / Program

We work with you to develop a comprehensive approach to DQ; taking you from where you are today, to where you want to be.

Data Health Check

Provides you with a rapid assessment, across a suite of capabilities, about how data is managed and utilised across your organisation.

Data Governance

Comprehensive architected approach for the management and usage of data across the organisation, enabling continuous improvements / benefits.

Data Profiling

Assess the quality of the data in use in your organisation today as part of a systems migration, data integration, data assurance or data discovery initiative.


We are able to work on the DQ activities within a broad range of initiatives (e.g. CRM; data integration; data warehouse; analytics; marketing; cross-sell).

Potential realised.