Business Intelligence and Analytics Solutions

Our of the biggest challenges we have in our organization is fimding, accessing and using the data we have at our disposal to make discisions. But we face delays as the information we need is typically delivered through our IT area; and so we have many work arounds in place. Ideally being able to have a platform that allows self service and provides the opportunity for us to make decisions on our business is what we need, but where do we start? And what solutions should we employ to deliver this.

____ Data-Insights-Decisions; how are you managing these?

Business Intelligence (BI) and Analytics, is a critical function for all organisations. IMS specialises in helping organisations with the design and implementation of platforms and methodologies that support the development of interactive reports, self service dashboards and predictive models to support strategic, tactical and operational decision making.

With BI being a major output and strengths of IMS offering is
we’re in a strong position to assess your requirements.

____ How we do it 

To address the business needs, most organisations will need to address two broad methods of delivering BI and analytics. The first is an ability for an immediate self-service capability to be able to rapidly respond to a question or to produce a new report, querying the available data without IT involvement. The second method is the provision of standard reports, dashboards and analytics that go through a process of requirements, design, build, test and implementation. 

These two methods are represented as the Bi-Modal Delivery Model as represented and described below.

Our expertise is applicable in the following scenarios:
  • Data Management
  • Information Management
  • Knowledge Management

Bi-Modal Delivery Model


Works together to deliver both a secure data environment when guaranteed reporting is required and an agile rapid 
response capability to satisfy increasing demand for “good-enough” information.

The upper layer directly supports "fast track" development via the following capabilities:

  • Prototype, mash-up data, look for relationships – use the RAW store to explore and relate data, without needing to load data into the warehouse.
  • Publish the results of individual analysis, independent of IT.
  • Supports Business managed and IT managed views.
  • Supports transitioning prototype analysis into BAU/Production, for higher governance when it makes sense.
The lower layer directly supports the more predictable development cycle with the following features:

  • Formal processes (e.g. Agile, Waterfall).
  • Project artefacts (e.g. Requirements, Design, UAT; Regression Testing)
  • Version control / change management.
  • Production release cycle.

Using our proven data focussed methodology, we work closely with organisations to design information products covering the full analytics spectrum (descriptive, diagnostic, predictive and prescriptive).

Get in Touch Now

The BI and analytics solutions we design can be implemented on a broad range of analytics platforms on-prem (PowerBI, Qlik, Tableau), or on cloud (Azure, AWS and GCP). 

IMS has developed reports and BI with most popular BI Platforms including Microsoft PowerBI, Tableau and Qlik. 

Potential realised.